Thursday, May 28 , 2020

Team, we are closely monitoring developments in our communities, and are focused on returning to work when we can do so safely. The restrictions being reduced or lifted vary by state, province, and in some situations by county and city but regardless of location, I can assure you that we are ready for your safe return.

We have taken incredible measures throughout the onset of COVID-19 to protect our employees and this will continue as we return to work. Our teams have been working diligently at developing a safe return to work strategy and implementing several safety measures within the workplace that adhere to our SHIELD Program, such as SHIELD and distance signage throughout the buildings, mandatory health screening procedures, and zoning restrictions. Our return to work strategy includes a 3-phased approach, with phase 1 equating to approximately 25% of onsite workspace being used. Employees returning in Phase 1 are those whose positions are identified as critical to perform onsite in order to maintain the effective operation of our business. Once a firm date is set to open our offices, we will communicate with all employees returning in Phase 1 one week prior to their return. The safety policies and procedures will also be thoroughly communicated with all managers, supervisors, and returning employees prior to the return date to ensure a safe and smooth return.

While we implement the tools and policies needed to ensure your health and safety while at work, I ask that you do your part when you are outside of work. We must continue to protect ourselves, our coworkers, and our communities by making safe choices in our day-to-day.

And in other news...