Thursday, April 30, 2020

Team, the impact that COVID-19 has had on consumer shopping habits is unlike anything we have seen before. The grocery category as a whole saw the impact in stages with a high demand and shortage on items like cleaning products, toilet paper, and packaged foods. In terms of our own business, we first saw a monumental spike in sales followed by a significant dip. We are now seeing sales leveling out at a rate that is higher than last year. We must continue to remain nimble and responsive to the changing needs of our customers. While sales remain hard to predict during this time, I am confident that we will continue to deliver our exceptional quality produce no matter what change in demand we encounter.

We are looking to the future, optimistic that a return to work and normality is in sight. Our leadership team is working on a return to work strategy and plan that will ensure all our employees can remain safe, protected, and informed once the time comes for remote workers to return to the office. A return date has not yet been set but I look forward to the time when we can all be together again.

And in other news...